We sell and ship worldwide, meaning you can place an order from anywhere in the world.
Some of the companies we work with are DHL, Dacher, DB Schenker, Kheuene+Nagel, and Raben. Our strong relationships with these companies ensure our shipping rates are competitive, and we include insurance with all of our quotes. Every item in your order will be insured for the full purchase amount.
We provide the following documents free of charge: commercial invoice, declaration of conformity and packing list.
Any additional documents might come with a fee.
Absolutely! We always love to put a face to the name and would certainly be able to arrange a viewing.
If your visit requires a Visa, we can provide a Business Invitation to make the process easier for you.
We are always interested in facilitating sales of used or new equipment. Please get in touch with us via the Contact Us page, and a member of our sales team will walk you through the listing process.
We quote and accept payment in any currency. No hidden fees and no mark up on any exchange rate!
Leasing options are available at request, and at the discretion of the leasing companies we work with.
We will handle the application and contract paperwork on your behalf.